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Wall-hung Crochetted Fiberglass 2011  
Etudes from pi in 5 squared

72" x 113" x 33"
Crocheted fiberglass with polyester resin.

Based on the first 25 digits of the infinite number pi. Sequence reads from left to right, top to bottom. The grid organizes 25 units into 5 rows and 5 columns. The value of the digit determines the depth of each individual unit . Where a unit representing the 1 digit is 3.5” deep, pushing the curve out 2” for digit 2, then 2 more inches for digit 3 and so on . The largest unit, representing the 9 digit, is to 19.5”.

Created specifically for a group exhibition at the Frederik Meijer Garden and Sculpture Park called Sculpture Today: New Forces, New Forms.

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© Yvette Kaiser Smith 2004